Monday, August 12, 2013

Probrammed Cellular Evolutionary Theory

This is an idea from a dream I had last night that I thought I would share.

A programmed deliberate decision of a living cell to act beyond the control of the mind for the purpose of survival of the living thing and or species within which it is located. This decision of the living cell can include a decision and ability to change the living cell.

This theory does not support the idea that evolution is a product of random mutations that happen to benefit the survival of a species and are somehow of a scale that can change a species through natural selection.

The idea of Programed Cellular Evolutionary Theory is based on deliberate cellular changes in response to changes in the environment whatever those changes maybe. A type of programing that can respond to an infinite number of environmental challenges.

This idea sits more comfortably with Creation Theory than a Random Mutation Theory. Life seems to be too incredible to be based on accidental random physical and chemical processes. It seems there must be another dimension to the lives of all living things beyond our present consciousness.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Flight or Life Simulator

Too much of my thoughts are consumed by my internal automatic life simulator. My life simulator continuously predicts infinite permutations of future negative life scenarios and then how to recover from those negative scenarios before crashing to a fiery death.

I would much prefer if my thoughts were instead consumed with imagining wonderful future life scenarios turning out perfectly.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Why Do we Choose the People We Choose?

Its been a long time since my last post. I suppose I feel that I have successfully rebuilt myself. I feel I am in control of my life and the lives my children who are growing into wonderful little human beings.

But I am posting because I am having trouble sleeping and I feel that getting things out of my head and into the world might help me sleep.

My exwife is still a drug addict but she is in prison now so our lives have been stable for awhile and as I have suggested I feel that I can deal with anything that life and her can throw at us.

Anyway the purpose of my post is to explore why we choose the people we choose. In my case and in the case of someone I know I feel this was greatly influenced by low self esteem. A feeling that this person is the only person and there is no other choice and then you have babies with that person. Well that of course is just plainly the wrong way to chose a partner.

We do have choice and for a happy life it is vital that we understand that and make our choices knowing that the world has many many wonderful people in it and many of those people can be the right choice and lead to lives of immense happiness, stability and secure love. What an awesome setting that would be to raise children in.

Anyway so what I take from these thoughts is that it is extremely important to do my best to instil in my children a sense of high self esteem and also resilience as well as of course the love and acceptance that I feel that I am already teaching them through living our lives. I want them to be able to move on from the wrong person and be confident in finding the right person.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Baby Fur Seal

She was a blind baby fur seal walking blissfully into a dark forest of physcopathic wolves.