Saturday, October 9, 2010

Beautiful Day Number 9551

When I am surfing by myself I often seem to sing "Time for a Cool Change" by The Little River Band


  1. WOW...been hanging out for a beach worthy day for so long now..the weather here has been cold, gloomy and wet- most unsual and crap weather mid spring ever :p

  2. Today has turned gloomy here also. It was a bit of a surprise to wake up to the sound of rain (which actually sounded quite nice). The last time a visited these beaches was a year ago on a solo motorbike trek (a week before I broke my collarbone). i was again amazed at how beautiful these beaches are and how you can have miles and miles of beach all to yourself. This month a new road has been opened which is only a few kilometres from this part of the beach. Luckily though the beach is still mostly empty.

  3. Beautiful beach, beautiful song!
